yòng用 F l e x i F o r c echù觸zhěn診píng評gū估
The PAD system is comprised of tactually accurate breast models, instrumented with FlexiForce sensors. The sensors locate and relay over 1000 levels of clinical examination pressure within each square centimeter to train health professionals on effective palpation.
chèn襯diàn墊xì系tǒng統(tǒng)yóu由chù觸jué覺zhǔn準què確rǔ乳fáng房mó模xíng型 ,shǐ使yòng用 F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器 。chuán傳gǎn感qì器de的dìng定wèi位hé和bǎo保hù護chāo超guò過 1 0 0 0shuǐ水píng平de的lín臨chuáng床jiǎn檢chá查yā壓lì力zài在měi每píng平fāng方lí厘mǐ米péi培yǎng養(yǎng)wèi衛(wèi)shēng生zhuān專yè業(yè)rén人yuán員yǒu有xiào效de的chù觸zhěn診 。
Force Sensing Incorporated into MammaCare® PAD System
lì力mǐn敏nà納rù入 m a m m a c a r e ®diàn墊xì系tǒng統(tǒng)
Background: MammaCare is the recognized medical and scientific standard for clinical breast examination efficiency. Developed with the support of the National Cancer Institute, this training platform is used in the US and Europe to teach health professionals to perform effective breast palpation. MammaCare’s overall goal is to reduce the incidence of missed palpable breast cancers, which are frequently not seen on imaging.
bèi背jǐng景 : m a m m a c a r eshì是gōng公rèn認de的yī醫(yī)xué學hé和kē科xué學lín臨chuáng床rǔ乳xiàn腺jiǎn檢chá查de的xiào效lǜ率biāo標zhǔn準 。yǔ與měi美guó國guó國jiā家ái癌zhèng癥yán研jiū究suǒ所de的zhī支chí持 ,gāi該péi培xùn訓píng平tái臺cǎi采yòng用de的shì是měi美guó國hé和ōu歐zhōu洲de的jiào教yù育wèi衛(wèi)shēng生zhuān專yè業(yè)rén人yuán員jìn進xíng行yǒu有xiào效de的rǔ乳xiàn腺chù觸zhěn診 。 m a m m a c a r ede的zǒng總tǐ體mù目biāo標shì是jiǎn減shǎo少lòu漏kě可chù觸jí及rǔ乳xiàn腺ái癌de的fā發(fā)bìng病lǜ率 ,zhè這shì是jīng經(jīng)cháng常bù不jiàn見de的yǐng影xiàng像 。
Challenge: Improving Current Sensor Sensitivities and Reducing Manufacturing Costs. When MammaCare needed a more stable, durable, cost-effective tactile transducer for their PAD (Palpation Proficiency and Assessment Device) system, they turned to Tekscan. The PAD system is comprised of tactually accurate breast models, instrumented with FlexiForce sensors. The sensors locate and relay over 1000 levels of examination pressure within each square centimeter via a digital signal processor. This ability to quantify human palpation and lesion detection allows MammaCare to confidently certify whether clinicians have demonstrated appropriate examination skill. The novel training system is covered by both university and company patents.
tiǎo挑zhàn戰(zhàn) :tí提gāo高diàn電liú流chuán傳gǎn感qì器de的mǐn敏gǎn感xìng性hé和jiàng降dī低zhì制zào造chéng成běn本 。dāng當 m a m m a c a r exū需yào要gèng更wěn穩(wěn)dìng定 、nài耐yòng用 、gāo高xìng性jià價bǐ比de的chù觸jué覺chuán傳gǎn感qì器de的 P A D (chù觸zhěn診de的néng能lì力hé和píng評gū估zhuāng裝zhì置 )xì系tǒng統(tǒng) ,tā他men們zhuǎn轉xiàng向 T e k s c a n 。chèn襯diàn墊xì系tǒng統(tǒng)yóu由chù觸jué覺zhǔn準què確rǔ乳fáng房mó模xíng型 ,shǐ使yòng用 F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器 。gāi該chuán傳gǎn感qì器tōng通guò過shù數(shù)zì字xìn信hào號chǔ處lǐ理qì器zài在měi每gè個píng平fāng方lí厘mǐ米nèi內zhǎo找dào到bìng并chuán傳dì遞le了 1 0 0 0gè個jí級bié別de的jiǎn檢cè測yā壓lì力 。zhè這zhǒng種néng能lì力liàng量huà化rén人tǐ體chù觸zhěn診hé和bìng病biàn變jiǎn檢cè測yǔn允xǔ許 m a m m a c a r ezì自xìn信de地zhèng證míng明yī醫(yī)shēng生shì是fǒu否yǒu有shì適dàng當de的jiǎn檢chá查jì技qiǎo巧 。xīn新de的péi培xùn訓tǐ體xì系yóu由dà大xué學hé和gōng公sī司zhuān專lì利suǒ所fù覆gài蓋 。
Solution: The complete solution included a new sensor pad from Tekscan, and electronics, hardware, firmware, and Window drivers designed and provided by SSI Wireless. The ultra-thin force sensor provided by Tekscan contained multiple force sensing points that enabled the system to confirm correct placement of the fingers, as well as the level of force applied by the fingers. The ideal solution also included no changes to the existing PC application and silicon models, and a full-featured product was delivered that helped keep costs within their budget.
jiě解jué決fāng方àn案 :wán完zhěng整de的jiě解jué決fāng方àn案bāo包kuò括yī一gè個xīn新de的chuán傳gǎn感qì器diàn墊 T e k s c a n ,diàn電zǐ子 ,yìng硬jiàn件 ,gù固jiàn件 ,hé和chuāng窗kǒu口de的qū驅dòng動chéng程xù序shè設jì計hé和wú無xiàn線tí提gōng供 S S I 。yóu由 T e k s c a nchāo超báo薄xíng型lì力chuán傳gǎn感qì器bāo包hán含duō多gè個cè測lì力shǐ使xì系tǒng統(tǒng)què確rèn認shǒu手zhǐ指de的zhèng正què確wèi位zhi置diǎn點 ,yǐ以jí及yóu由shǒu手zhǐ指shī施jiā加shuǐ水píng平lì力 。lǐ理xiǎng想de的jiě解jué決fāng方àn案hái還bāo包kuò括duì對xiàn現(xiàn)yǒu有de的gè個rén人diàn電nǎo腦yīng應yòng用chéng程xù序hé和guī硅mó模xíng型de的biàn變huà化 ,yǐ以jí及yī一gè個gōng功néng能qí齊quán全de的chǎn產pǐn品bèi被jiāo交fù付 ,bāng幫zhù助wéi維chí持chéng成běn本zài在tā他men們de的yù預suàn算 。
"Work is spectacular. More exceptional than I thought it would be. Sensors work great. They can detect the slightest pressure accurately. It is WAY beyond my expectations."
“gōng工zuò作shì是zhuàng壯guān觀de的 。bǐ比wǒ我xiǎng想xiàng象de的gèng更wéi為chū出sè色 。chuán傳gǎn感qì器gōng工zuò作hěn很hǎo好 。tā他men們kě可yǐ以zhǔn準què確de地jiǎn檢cè測dào到qīng輕wēi微de的yā壓lì力 。zhè這chāo超chū出wǒ我de的qī期wàng望 。 ”
- Mark Goldstein, Ph. D, Mammacare
mǎ馬kè克 •dé德sī斯tǎn坦 ,bó博shì士 , m a m m a c a r e
MammaCare® is the registered US and EU trademark of the MammaCare Corporation.
m a m m a c a r e ®shì是zhù注cè冊wǒ我men們de的 m a m m a c a r egōng公sī司ōu歐méng盟shāng商biāo標 。
Benefits of FlexiForce Sensors
F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器de的hǎo好chù處
Ultra-thin sensor construction and flexibility means minimal interference/disturbance to normal action
chāo超báo薄mó膜chuán傳gǎn感qì器de的jié結gòu構hé和líng靈huó活xìng性yì意wèi味zhe著zuì最xiǎo小de的gān干rǎo擾 /gān干rǎo擾de的zhèng正cháng常zuò作yòng用
Accurate response gives your customers and end users confidence in the performance of your product
Knowledgeable, experienced technical staff help you develop the most effective, economical sensor based on your specific requirements. All manufacturing takes place at ISO 9001 & 13485 certified Tekscan headquarters.
知識淵博,經(jīng)驗豐富的技術人員,幫助您開發(fā)最有效,經(jīng)濟的傳感器,根據(jù)您的具體要求。所有的制造需要在ISO 9001和13485認證的Tekscan總部的地方。
zhī知shi識yuān淵bó博 ,jīng經(jīng)yàn驗fēng豐fù富de的jì技shù術rén人yuán員 ,bāng幫zhù助nín您kāi開fā發(fā)zuì最yǒu有xiào效 ,jīng經(jīng)jì濟de的chuán傳gǎn感qì器 ,gēn根jù據(jù)nín您de的jù具tǐ體yāo要qiú求 。suǒ所yǒu有de的zhì制zào造xū需yào要zài在 I S O 9 0 0 1hé和 1 3 4 8 5rèn認zhèng證de的 T e k s c a nzǒng總bù部de的dì地fāng方 。
100% factory inspection ensures your sensors meet established performance specifications
1 0 0 %gōng工chǎng廠jiǎn檢chá查què確bǎo保nín您de的chuán傳gǎn感qì器fú符hé合jì既dìng定de的xìng性néng能guī規(guī)gé格
Getting Started with FlexiForce Sensors
kāi開shǐ始 F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器
FlexiForce sensors are available off-the-shelf in packs of four or eight for testing and prototyping. Visit our online store to place an order, or contact us to discuss customization options with one of our engineers.